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It is also used to drill steel  Our products mainly include H beam production line, CNC plate drilling machine, Plate rolling machine, etc. After-Sales Service * Training how to instal the  Steel Plate Drilling Machine manufacturing by Shandong ShuoFang Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.; Product details of China Steel Plate Drilling Machine. Twelve floating hydraulic clamps, four sets work-pieces can be clamped simultaneously. Product Industry. Technical Parameters of TPD Series CNC Plate Drilling  2016 CNC Steel Plate Drilling Machine used for drilling hole Categories. Metal Pipe & Profile Cutting Lin+.

Cnc plate drilling machine

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Servo Z-axis lifter 3. Servo drill spindle 4. Auto tool length detector 5. Auto plate thickness measuring device.

CNC PLATE DRILLING MACHINE. Features. Heavy Structure Frame And Gantry Supports Are Made From Graded Casting To Sustain Loads And Vibrations During Operating Condition.

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Cnc plate drilling machine

High efficiency and stable working accuracy, Easy to operate. High-speed CNC Plate Drilling Machine CDMH2016 with Servo Slide for Medium Thickness Steel Plate, China quality manufacturer supply. Get in touch via  This CNC drilling machine is one drilling, marking & cutting composite machine.

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Cnc plate drilling machine

CNC Double- Spindle Gantry Movable Plate Drilling Machine Model PD4040-2 Large Metal Plate. Applicable Industry:. CNC plate drilling and milling for machine parts and structural details. Including countersinking, thread tapping and slotted holes.

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Add: NO.9, Changjiang Street, Ningjin County, Dezhou city, Shandong Province,China.