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April 2016: Quick tutorial on navigating your way through UF's e-Learning system.- - - UF Information Technology (UFIT) provides IT solutions to support the E-Learning @UF: Facilitate & Engage . Are you new to e-learning at UF or wondering how to facilitate a pre-created course? This training is for you! Faculty, Staff, TA / Grad Asst Classroom event, Webinar UF Distance Learning, Gainesville, FL. 4,090 likes · 5 talking about this · 12 were here. You don't have to leave home to be a Gator. Distance Learning opens the door to becoming a Gator from You MUST create your Badgr account using the same email address that was used to create your UF e-Learning account.
UF Distance Learning, Gainesville, FL. 4,090 likes · 4 talking about this · 12 were here. You don't have to leave home to be a Gator. Distance Learning opens the door to becoming a Gator from
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