A controlled study of continuation-ECT - NACT.se
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Lower risk: continuation-ECT, antidepressants, psychotic depression Depression without psychosis (13030). All patients (22668) Cycloid psychosis (151). Improvement of cycloid psychosis following electroconvulsive therapy2017Ingår i: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, ISSN 0803-9488, E-ISSN 1502-4725, Vol. U, et al. Improvement of cycloid psychosis following electrocon- vulsive therapy.
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pteridine's. pubis/M. publican/MAS. Cycloid psychosis — endogenous psychoses which are neither schizophrenic nor manic-depressive.
The diagnosis of cycloid psychosis has a long tradition in European psychiatry. However, it has been poorly assimilated within the DSM IV and ICD-10 diagnostic systems. Leonhard set the basis for the current conceptualization of the disorder, and Perris and Brockington developed the first operational diagnostic criteria.
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Belfrage MedicalArkivgatan 4223 59 Lundinfo@belfragemedical.com. LänkarOm Improvement of cycloid psychosis following electroconvulsive therapy. Holm J, Brus O, Båve U, Landen M, Lundberg J, Nordanskog P, von Knorring L, ”Cycloid psychoses: Endogenous psychoses which are neither schizophrenic nor ”Cycloid Psychosis: An Examination of the Validity of the Concept”. Current cycloid psychosis [ˈsaɪklɔɪd saɪˈkəʊsɪs] "akut polymorf psykos med schizofren sjukdomsbild", på engelska: acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without Cycloid psychoses.
PSYCHOSIS ▷ Svenska Översättning - Exempel På
Web of Science® Times Cited: 3. O. Brus 14. Perris C. Mattsson B. Cycloid psychoses: Aspects of therapy and possible prevention of relapses. Addison's disease and psychosis.
It seems to be heterogeneous from the etiopathological point of view, in that a variety of factors seems to be involved to a different degree in most of the patients. Cykloid psykos är en funktionell psykos, det vill säga en psykos som saknar påvisbar organisk orsak, som återkommer i cykler (recidiverande) i form av akuta psykoser. Den cykloida psykosen har en lång historia inom den europeiska psykiatrin som diagnos. Termen ”cykloid psykos” användes först av Karl Kleist 1926. Cycloid psychosis is not a widely recognized psychotic ill-ness, and in nearly all studies it appears to be clinically and biologically distinct from both severe mood disorders and schizophrenia.Interestingly,itdoesnotappeartobefamilial. In the current classification schemes, cycloid psychosis is
Cycloid Psychoses: Clinical Symptomatology, Prognosis, and Heredity1 Jabs B*, Stöber G**, Pfuhlmann B** Abstract: The development of the concept of cycloid psychoses goes back to the problem of “atypi-cal psychoses” which arose from Kraepelin’s dichotomy of endogenous psychoses1.
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Slå upp cykloid psykos på Psykologiguiden i Natur & Kulturs
Treatment with one or a combination of mood stabilisers such as lithium (0–8 mmol/l), and/or valproic acid (60 mg/l), resulted in a full recovery and prevention of relapses of both psychotic episodes and mood and behavioural instability. Cycloid psychosis is a psychosis that progresses from normal to full-blown, usually between a few hours to days, not related to Conclusions: ECT is an effective treatment for cycloid psychosis. Future studies need to compare the outcome of ECT to that of other treatment strategies. Clinical In 1926, Kleist coined the term “cycloid psychosis” to describe cases which did not meet the typical presentation shown in Kraepelian's dichotomy. AHP is one of the 3 phenotypes of the cycloid psychosis (CP) as defined by the Wernicke-Kleist-Leonhard. (WKL) school [26]. CP are bipolar psychoses in that Cycloid psychoses are characterized by an episodic course with complete remission between episodes although with frequent relapses.