Assisted reproductive technology and risk of ovarian cancer


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Borderline tumors of the ovary (BOT) were described for the first time by Taylor in 1929. These lesions have a more favorable outcome than do other ovarian cancers. Mucinous tumors of the ovary: a clinicopathologic study of 196 borderline tumors (of intestinal type) and carcinomas, including an evaluation of 11 cases with “pseudomyxoma peritonei.” Am J Surg Pathol 2000 ;24(11):1447–1464. Borderline tumors of the ovary are confined to the ovaries (FIGO stage I) in >80% of the patients initially diagnosed with these tumors in the general population . Survival is essentially (but not quite) 100% at 10 years for stage I ovarian borderline tumors as a whole, regardless of the name one chooses to call them [ 2 ].

Borderline tumor ovary

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Rarely, the tumor is seen bilaterally; approximately 5% of primary mucinous tumors are bilateral. Twenty-eight recurrences were observed under the form of borderline tumor on the spared ovary and/or noninvasive implants, but eight patients had a recurrence under the form of invasive disease. Compared with radical surgery, the use of conservative treatment (p < 0.0001) was a prognostic factor on disease-free survival (DFS), but without an impact on overall survival (OS). Se hela listan på 2020-07-01 · Surface epithelial tumors of the ovary account for 25% of all ovarian neoplasms. When composed predominantly of fibrous stroma, with glands and cysts forming a minor component, their appearance on imaging is often complex; cystic- to solid-appearing masses often raise suspicion of a malignant tumor. Background . Serous borderline tumor represents a group of noninvasive tumor of the ovary bridging between benign serous cystadenoma and serous carcinoma.

1991). Metastasis to the lymph nodes has rarely been reported (M. D. Chamberlin et al., 2001; M. B. … Case Discussion.

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Th e ovary shows polypoid excrescences on its outer surface. Fig. 2.1.b. BST. In another case, instead of po lypoid excrescences on the outer surface of the ovary, papillary projections are seen wi thin the cyst lumen of the ovary. Se hela listan på Ovarian serous borderline tumor (SBT) is a low grade epithelial neoplasm of generally younger women with a favorable prognosis when diagnosed at an early stage Defined, nonobligate precursor to low grade serous carcinoma (LGSC) As a borderline tumor, can give rise to extra-ovarian abdominoperitoneal or lymph node implants Borderline ovarian tumors (BOTs) form a separate entity within the group of epithelial ovarian tumors acknowledged by the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) in 1961 and adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1973.

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Borderline tumor ovary

Because of the young age of patients at first diagnosis and at recurrence,  7 Jan 2017 Borderline ovarian tumor (BOT) is a distinct variety of epithelial ovarian tumor with low malignant potential to invade the other organs. 15 Oct 2005 Ovarian borderline (low malignant potential) tumors are a puzzling group of neoplasms that do not fall neatly into benign or malignant categories. The incidence of borderline ovarian tumors is 10-20% of all epithelial ovarian tumors (2, 3). Patients with these types of tumor have an excellent prognosis, with an  Fertility and borderline ovarian tumor: a systematic review of conservative management, risk of recurrence and alternative options. This is the page about borderline ovarian tumor.

Applies to primary borderline tumors, carcinomas, germ cell tumors, and sex-cord stromal tumors only Based on AJCC/UICC TNM, 6th edition and FIGO 2001 Annual Report OVARY: Oophorectomy, Salpingo-oophorectomy, Subtotal Oophorectomy or Removal of Tumor in Fragments, Hysterectomy with Salpingo-oophorectomy Note: Applies to ovarian primary tumor. Borderline tumors tend to develop in an exophytic growth pattern, on the surface of the ovary, without invading the underlying stroma. Papillary projections are characteristic of and are often abundant in epithelial tumors with low malignant potential, whereas they are not typically seen, or are insignificant, in benign cystadenomas. From my research online, Ovarian borderline tumors are classified as “of low malignancy potential” tumors. I believe that is why the index has that wording. I will of course follow the providers selection, but am just trying to grasp a better understanding of this “ovarian serous borderline tumor” concept.
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Borderline tumor ovary

Ovarian tumors of borderline malignancy are a distinct histologic and clinical entity diagnosed in up to 15% of patients presenting with an ovarian neoplasm .

Ovarian serous borderline tumor with node implants is not reportable; it is a borderline neoplasm. We wish to highlight that although borderline ovarian tumors (BOTs) in general have a very favorable prognosis, those diagnosed during pregnancy can be associated with aggressive features. The micropapillary variant of the serous BOT has the potential of malignant transformation and may represent an early stage in the continuum of development of low-grade serous tumors of the ovary. OBJECTIVE.
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In many cases, patients with endometrioid borderline tumours have a history of endometriosis or their ovaries will show evidence of endometriosis. Reportability--Ovary: Is an ovarian serous borderline tumor with microinvasion with serous tumor aggregates (3 mm in greatest dimension) in 2 of 10 pelvic lymph nodes reportable? See Discussion. Answer .