PDF EuroTermBank: Towards Greater Interoperability of
PDF EuroTermBank: Towards Greater Interoperability of
Withdrawal agreement. The legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions applicable to the UK’s exit from the EU. References Translations for the new EU-languages will have to be done e.g. Czech to English and then from English to Italian instead of doing this directly from Chech to Italian - and this of course sometimes will result in not 100% correct correspondence between two terms; Alternatives are glossary listings Legislation Summaries – Glossary (11 EU languages) Europa – Eurojargon (20 EU languages) European Commission – Customs glossary. (DE, EN, FR) Europass – Terminology of European education and training policy (14 EU languages) European Environmental Agency – Environmental Terminology and Discovery Service (ETDS) (21 EU languages) The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, a single point of access to data of the EU institutions, agencies and bodies for anyone to reuse.
Learn : EU-specific terminology database, #IATE (Interactive Terminology for Europe), and the multilingual Translation Memory. 24 Oct 2018 In case terminology is scarce, the IATE can be a precious resource that you can use to its fullest. Learn how to download the multilingual EU 23 Oct 2010 The InterActive Terminology for Europe (IATE, ex Eurodicautom) is a multilingual dictionary/translation memory of the European Union. 8 Apr 2013 Inter-Active Terminology for Europe IATE (= “Inter-Active Terminology for Europe” ) is the EU inter-institutional terminology database.
ordnas i samarbete med. Eu-kommissionen på den europeis- möjliga sätt. ▫ Den 20 november hålls ett EU- IatE – Interactive terminology for Europe – är Tuomioistuinsanasto – Domstolsordlista (finska-svenska-engelska-tyska-franska) · IATE, Interactive Terminology for Europe · Tilastokeskus European Cycling Lexicon - (MULTI) Entries 150 52.
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Highlights, press releases and speeches. All official European Union website addresses are in the europa.eu domain.. See all EU institutions and bodies IATE public • A valuable resource worldwide for translators - average of 3500 clicks/hour • The multilingual database with the biggest number of languages covering EU-relevant domains • Most used terminology database • Very positive promotion for EU Translation • Mentioned in most Terminology Conferences and used in academia for Traduzioni in contesto per "iate" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: And 'round the "Evil Inside (2 Blame U)", negligible electro/ indus-track in advance of "The Conversation", in which buttons intersections Sequenz iate consists of a pathological punctuation synths and a thick voice box in the background. The IAEA Safety Glossary clarifies and harmonizes terminology and IAEA Safety Glossary usage in the IAEA safety standards.
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5 http://iate.europa.eu. 6 Swedish statutes in translation, http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/ https://www.google.ie/?gws_rd=ssl#q=Glossary for the Courts . (X): better than IATE's EU website translation entry: 'marriage documentation'. 20 innlegg om ulike prosjekter både i det offentlige, næringslivet og EU, i tillegg (TermCoord) og IATE (InterActive Terminology for Europe) databasen, som er. IATE European Union 2021 (EU's multilingual term base). Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Fineli, 2021.
IATE Rekommenderad. IATE is the EU inter-institutional terminology database. Iate (Interactive Terminology for Europe) är EU-institutionernas Our own SLU glossary is where we collect SLU-specific terminology you may
To launch a European citizens' initiative, it takes 7 EU citizens, living in at least 7 all EU Institutions, the new EU terminology database IATE is now available. av A Lalić · 2019 — EU has its own terminology and rules for translating. Those rules are adapted to 28 https://iate.europa.eu/download-iate (05.07.2019). IATE, InterActive Terminology for Europe, is a large terminology database which is developed primarily to serve translators at various agencies and institutions
Politics, law and public administration terminology English–Latvian dictionary of European Union terms Download of IATE, European Union, 2019.
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The IATE terminology collection around COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2; Warning: Please note that this Excel file is a “screenshot” of the pandemic-related content available in IATE taken on 29 April 2020. IATE ('Interactive Terminology for Europe') is the EU's terminology database.The project was launched in 1999 with the aim of providing a web-based infrastructure for all EU terminology resources and enhancing the availability and standardisation of the information. European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies. The EU Open Data Portal provides, via a metadata catalogue, a single point of access to data of the EU institutions, agencies and bodies for anyone to reuse.
IATE has been operational since the summer of 2004 with the aim of providing an internet-based service for sharing terminology between institutions. In case terminology is scarce, the IATE can be a precious resource that you can use to its fullest.
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