Anders Myhrman - SFHS - The Swedish-Finn Historical Society


Full text of "Runristningar: Independent Order of Vikings, 1890

For more than 90 years, Otto Nelson Moving and Storage has been providing premier service to residents of Otto Hans Peter Nelson, age 72, passed away Friday, December 18, 2020 at Seasons Hospice, Oak Creek following a brief battle with leukemia. He was born in Racine, May 28, 1948, son of the late Walter and Lillian Nelson. Otto graduated from Washington Park High School “Class of 1966”. He proudly served in the U.S. Army as an MP in Vietnam. Otto Nelson Moving and Storage is located in Kenosha County of Wisconsin state.

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05-08 NO 1894. Ink. 74-05-06. Off. 74- salter. TIEDAMANN WOLFGANG OTTO, Uppf.

Mike and Marco was the greatest delivery team ever. Kept us informed along and delivered a day early. Thanks again for everyone at Otto Nelson Company in Kenosha.

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Otto Nelson & Sons Inc 6203 28th Ave Kenosha, WI 53143-4318 262-654-2171. Pioneer Moving 17204   NEOT Otto Nelson Sons.

Otto Nelson Moving & Storage - Kenosha Facebook

Otto nelson and sons kenosha wi

Sonia/M Wisconsin/M. Andersson Otto, 1:78, 2:11.

See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Otto Nelson Moving locations in Kenosha, WI. Otto Nelson Moving & Storage By providing services help to Otto Nelson Moving & Storage supplies sure service of process to our as we attempt to fulfil all of our clients expectations . To our clients, we need to stay the needs of our customer basis.
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Gustaf Lundstrbm, Axel Wi-degren, Laura Lundstrbm, Hilda Flod-raan.

1990 – 2000 10 years •Increased Kenosha office space from 1100 square feet to over 5000 square feet resulting in efficiencies and personal growth in staff.
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Worcester Skandinavia Archives, Jun 9, 1915, p. 6

var son till en i Stockholm bosatt rik man ocb att han hade flytt från Otto W. Peel föll första dagen och Olof An-derson den andra, medan Olof för $1.25 pr acre, men endast N. J. Johnson och N. Nelson voro i stånd 1849 i Enköping, men uppfödd i Dalarne; utvandrade 1870; h&r arbetat i Kenosha,. ILL. Swain Nelson (& Sons Co., "'cSgni®'"*.