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On your own, you can access our comprehensive library of videos, questions, flashcards, memory anchors, and reference articles, in addition to your own personal Workspace and customized Study Schedule.
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Osmosis is the movement of a solvent (such as water) through a semipermeable membrane, from a solution that has a lower concentration of solutes to one that has a higher concentration of Osmosis What is it: A student learning platform and support app developed by medical students at Johns Hopkins that provides a solution for learning in an engaging, interactive, and structured manner. Osmosis is a new app for medical students, designed by medical students, that sends you practice questions and resources so you can learn more and forget less. Osmosis: A Review I recently received access to a membership with Osmosis, an online program that helps you study for classes in medical school, as well as studying for the USMLE. I started using Osmosis in my first semester of MS2, while I was taking pathology, pharmacology, etc.
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Osmosis empowers over one million learners around the world with a better understanding of medicine and health topics. Learn more and forget less with fun, easy-to-digest videos and tools that help you study more strategically, at your own pace.
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