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You can switch devices with the set_plot command. Creating Multiple IDL Plots. QUESTION: What is the best way to create multiple IDL plots on a page or in a graphics window? ANSWER: There really is no “best ”way to create multiple plots. It depends entirely on what it is you are trying to do. The basic principle behind multiple plots is judicious use of of the Position and NoErase keywords with basic IDL graphics commands. SET_PLOT, ‘PS’.

Idl set_plot

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This is easily done with the statement: Keywords allow UNIX users to select other conversion programs, such as pstopdf or esptopdfto perform the conversion. ANSWER: There really is no “best ”way to create multiple plots. It depends entirely on what it is you are trying to do. The basic principle behind multiple plots is judicious use of of the Position and NoErase keywords with basic IDL graphics commands.

You can switch devices with the set_plotcommand: By default, IDL sets the minimum y -axis value of linear plots to zero if the y data are all positive. The maximum axis value is automatically set by IDL from the maximum y data value. In addition, IDL attempts to produce from three to six tick-mark intervals that are … When the plot is displayed, IDL will automatically construct a one-dimensional array X that spans the current axis range.

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An overview of IDL's I/O and general capabilities will be reviewed. I/O issues for cdf files will be discussed and presented. SET_PLOT, 'Z'; 元のデバイスに戻す; SET_PLOT, olddevice; フレームバッファ.

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Idl set_plot

IDL treats the screen as one device and a postscript file (which you can print) as another. You can switch devices with the set_plot command. SET_PLOT, 'PS' HELP, /DEVICE You can also assign a different font mapping. For example, suppose you prefer the Times font to be the default mapping for the Hershey Simplex Roman font. With the PostScript device active, you can type this: DEVICE, /TIMES, FONT_INDEX=3 Use IDL Fonts in 3D Space SET_PLOT, ‘PS’. This causes IDL to use the PostScript driver for producing graphical output. Once the PostScript driver is enabled via SET_PLOT, the DEVICE.

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Idl set_plot

You can switch devices with the set_plot command. The IDL Z-buffer device is a pseudo device that draws 2-D or 3-D graphics in a buffer a ; color lookup table. Note that we must set the DECOMPOSED ; keyword to zero to create the color image. SET_PLOT, 'Z' ERASE DEVICE, SET_PIXEL_DEPTH=24 DEVICE, SET_RESOLUTION=[360,360] DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0 LOADCT, 33 TVLCT Next: IDL colourtables Up: Lecture 3: More graphics Previous: Contour Plots Contents Colours in IDL So far, everything that we have seen has come out in grey.

• All subsequent graphics output is sent to the selected graphics device until another set_plot call is made or the IDL session ends • set_plot, device •‘X’, ‘WIN’, ‘PS’ • Default is the screen display (set_plot, ‘x’) • The following would then display a plot (2) Type the following commands in IDL: IDL> Set_Plot, 'PRINTER' IDL> ok = Dialog_Printersetup () At this point I selected the CutePDF Writer from my list of printers. IDL> Plot, findgen (11) IDL> Device, /Close You canswitch devices with the set_plotcommand: IDL> set_plot,'ps'.
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produced automatically for a set of variables, the scatter plots have an  the red circle is the same plot in both images. Figure 2.9.