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Översättning 'adverbs' – Ordbok svenska-Engelska Glosbe
Definitions of Notwithstanding. Nevertheless; however; although. prep. Without prevention, or obstruction from or by; in spite of.
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Most dictionaries also list it as an adverb meaning nevertheless, but this sense is rarely used in modern English. Notwithstanding is always one word, and this has been the standard spelling for many centuries. Although notwithstanding usually means exactly the same as in spite of, it is often positioned differently. Synonyms of notwithstanding (Entry 2 of 3) in spite of the fact that the man suspected of being the serial killer is little known to his neighbors, notwithstanding he has lived in the apartment complex for years Notwithstanding legal use means creating exceptions to the rules of a contract. It also means despite, in spite of, even if, with regard to, however, in any event, nevertheless, still, and yet. Notwithstanding Legal Use: Introduction. Notwithstanding in a contract is often misused.
besides the fact that. be that as it may. but still.
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notwithstanding definition: 1. despite the fact or thing mentioned: 2. despite the fact or thing mentioned: 3. not….
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This can create significant confusion because these items can overlap and it is not clear how far-reaching or how far back the “foregoing” reaches. Antonyms for Notwithstanding (opposite of Notwithstanding). Log in. Antonyms for Notwithstanding. 1 482 opposites - opposite meaning Usage: Notwithstanding, In spite of, Despite. Of these, only notwithstanding can be used postpositively; as, I will go, the weather notwithstanding. With respect to meaning, these words and phrases are often interchanged, but there is a difference between them, chiefly in strength.
not…. Learn more. Main Notwithstanding Takeaways: Notwithstanding means despite, nevertheless, however, or although. You can use this word as a preposition, as a conjunction, or as an adverb. A common legal phrase is “notwithstanding anything to the contrary.” …
Notwithstanding is mainly a preposition meaning in spite of. Most dictionaries also list it as an adverb meaning nevertheless, but this sense is rarely used in modern English . Notwithstanding is always one word, and this has been the standard spelling for many centuries.
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He still went home, notwithstanding the midnight.
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She went to the game anyway, doctor's orders notwithstanding. See more. notwithstanding - despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); "although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it"; "while we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed"; "he was a stern yet fair master"; "granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go" Main Notwithstanding Takeaways: Notwithstanding means despite, nevertheless, however, or although. You can use this word as a preposition, as a conjunction, or as an adverb.