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Add to cart. William Optics slide-base UniGuide 32mm guidescope. Price £99. Keep your imaging setup bang on target with the help of this guidescope. William Optics All New Slide-base UniGuide 32mm Scope quantity. Add to cart. With Vixen type guiding sliding base, Uniguide is suitable for all WO saddle handle bars.
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2 days ago Scope with; William Optics Zenithstar 73 APO Review; William Optics 50mm Finder/ Guider; William Optics Slide-base Uniguide 32mm. Size:. 20 Oct 2020 Our batch of the brand new William Optics 32mm Uniguides has just uk/william-optics-32mm-slide-base-uniguide-guidescope.html. Ár: 25273Ft, 32mm méretű L-hatszögkulcs rövid egyenesvégű. Protanium acél, ProGuard felületkezelés, Cikkszám: 12296, Hossz: 332mm.
Support QHY, SBIG, ZWO and other 1.25" cylinder type Guiding All New Slide-base UniGuide 32mm Scope. Be the first to review this product.
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The William Optics Slide-Base UniGuide 50mm has a Vixen type guiding sliding base. It's suitable with for all of WO saddle handle bar. William Optics Guidescope UniGuide 32mm Gold.
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William Optics 2 inch Durabright Diagonal with CF Side Plates $ 217.00. Add to cart. William Optics slide-base UniGuide 32mm guidescope. Price £99. Keep your imaging setup bang on target with the help of this guidescope. William Optics All New Slide-base UniGuide 32mm Scope quantity. Add to cart.
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William Optics 32mm UniGuide scope - posted in Refractors : Just received my William Optics Zenithstar 73 and man is it a beauty, sitting atop the AZ GTi. Will step up to guiding in the next few months once the bank account recovers from the $1500 or so just spent to get started, but wondering if there are any thoughts on this little scope? William Optics Slide-base Uniguide 32mm Scope. HK$930.00. SKU: WO-M-G32PB Shipping Weight: 1.00 KGS Availability: In stock now. Ships in 1-2 working days
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William Optics All New Slide-base UniGuide 32mm Scope quantity. Add to cart.
I have been really impressed by William Optics and the quality of scopes they provide, so w
All New Slide-base UniGuide 32mm Guide Scope. Features an anodized Vixen/Synta-style rail (not removable) at the bottom of the finder tube for direct insertion into compatible handles on William Optics telescopes.
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Telescope and Sky friends Facebook
New 32mm Uniguide guide scope, perfectly suited to RedCat and other small refractors. Support QHY, SBIG, ZWO and other 1.25" cylinder type Guiding Cameras Note: The UniGuide slide base has an integrated finder scope base - you do not need separate rings. New William Optics 32mm f/3.75 Uniguide Slide-base Guide Scope.