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Testator. A testator is a person who has written and executed a last will and testament that is in effect at  Aug 25, 2020 or herself is a testator or testatrix. These terms are just an old-fashioned way of distinguishing between a male and a female creator of a will. The definition of the term “testator” implies that a testator is an individual, in this case, male, that completes a will that is valid at the time of his death. If the  A testator is male, a testatrix is female. Video Library. Asset Protection Law · Business · Business Formation Law · Business Succession Planning.

Testatrix male

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S.9 Wills Act 1837 sets out the current requirements for making and witnessing a will. Importantly, the act specifies that a will must be signed by the testator (male) or testatrix (female) (i.e., person making the will) “in the presence of two or more witnesses present at the same time”. when the settlor(testator/ testatrix) dies. 41. Testate: dying with a will. 42. Testator/testatrix: male/female who makes a will.

(tĕs′tā′tər, tĕ-stā′tər) n.

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A testator ( / tɛsˈteɪtɔːr /) is a person who has written and executed a last will and testament that is in effect at the time of his/her death. It is any "person who makes a will." He the first depositor that he had been married to the late Marija Levij testatrix had her as wife and is widower of her, who died in New York [sic] about three and half years ago and he depositor the foresaid testament had held in his hands and had read it, which testament is in the hands of Stephanus Kortlont [Cortlandt] and Abraham Lanoij [de Lanoy] at Nieuw Jorck, and he the other depositor Lammert Benedictus is a son of the first requestor's Stepmother, and is about the abovementioned Ett testamente är ett juridiskt bindande dokument som en person skriver för att reglera hur kvarlåtenskapen ska fördelas efter dennes död.Den som upprättar ett testamente kallas testator [1] (maskulinum) eller testatrix (femininum).

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Testatrix male

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A deceased person who has left a legally valid will.