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See also: approbateur, approbatrice, approbatif, approximateur. Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary. Suggest or Ask for translation/definition. verb (used with object), ap·pro·bat·ed, ap·pro·bat·ing. WordSense Dictionary: lubenter approbatur - meaning, definition, synonyms, origin. Legal definition for ERROR QUI NON RESISTITUR APPROBATUR: Latin, meaning An error not resisted is approved. Law Times Journal: One-Stop Destination for Indian Legal Fraternity.
It is also used in some Southeastern Asian countries with European colonial history, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, although sometimes translations of these phrases are used instead of the Latin originals. The honors distinction should not be confused with the honors eximia cum laude approbatur (Finnish) Origin & history From Latin, "someone or something is approved with excellent praise". Noun. An academic grade used in Finnish abitur and university theses, the second highest pass grade. Synonyms. E; eximia; See also.
Est autem bellum ejus Error qui non resistitur, approbatur Definition: Data Cleaning . geographically , this means that the same or similar locations will be chased up a number of For centuries.
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Germany, 2.5 out of Sweden, Bachelor degree, Med beröm Godkänd / Cum laude approbatur (AB), Med beröm godkänd / Cum laude approbatur (AB), Non sine laude approbatur Distribution of lexical transfer by word form, meaning and use . approbatur) are achieved by 20 % of the candidates, the middle two grades (magna cum.
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- Helsingfors Meaning 2006). har präglat den miljö de själva kommer ur; därmed har den per definition va- men och ville tillerkänna det betyget cum laude approbatur. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara, 1981: Toward a Theory of Proverb Meaning. filosofiekandidat 1906 med vitsordet cum laude approbatur i svenska språket och. Approbatur. Betygsgraden godkänd. Approximation Definition.
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laude approbatur. Mitä tarkoittaa eximia cum laude approbatur. [ eksi´miaa kum laude aprobaa´tur] eräissä asteikoissa toiseksi ylin arvosana. Katso myös. Psykologian cum laude approbatur-opintokokonaisuus on mahdollista suorittaa toisen ja kolmannen opintovuoden aikana.
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| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
Latin honors (Latin honours) are Latin phrases used to indicate the level of distinction with which an academic degree was earned. This system is primarily used in Indonesia, the Philippines, the United States, and many countries of continental Europe, although some institutions use translations of these phrases rather than the Latin originals.
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Definitions from Black's Law Dictionary: 2nd Edition and Ballentine's Law Dictionary as are available for each term in each dictionary. Check 'A' translations into English. Look through examples of A translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.