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In brief, these guidelines clarify that companies are expected to: 1) embed a policy commitment into. av N Johansson · 2016 · Citerat av 8 — resource extraction from waste deposits. Nils Johansson.
Guide. The following is a detailed manuscript preparation guide for research articles to ICE Publishing’s engineering titles; however, they can, in the most part, be used as a basis for other article types amending to concur with the word limit and premise of the formats, as appropriate. Title Page. Please provide:
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Author Information Authors must be listed in the same order as they appear in the original document. Different authors are separated with semicolons (‘;’): Author 1; Author 2; Author 3; etc. For every author, list the last name first, then the first letter of the first name and, if available, the first letter of the middle name.
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Se hela listan på I have only submitted the manuscript for the sixth time, and I have not submitted it for the first five times.Initially involved in the academic field, do not understand the authority and difficulty of mineral engineering, experienced a process of picking up the sleeves and refueling, and then returning to the journal, finally in the middle.My example is that I hope to give encouragement and confidence to my colleagues in the academic world. Guide for authors | Minerals Engineering | 0892-6875 | Elsevier All journal information and instructions compiled in one document (PDF) in just one mouse …For more information on Minerals Engineering Conferences, visit the … will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. ….. Instructions for Authors. This document contains the guidelines for manuscript preparation an d final p aper submission to the International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering. Please closely follow these instructions: 1.