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IC | XC / NI | KA across fields, bars above all letters Jeweled cross, pellet at each extreme 26mm x 29mm, 7.98g SB 1825: Anonymous (attributed to Constantine IX), AE Follis, Class D, 1050-1060 IC | XC across fields Christ seated facing on throne with back, wearing nimbus cruciger, pallium and colobium, book of Gospels in both hands IS XS Ic Xc Ni Ka finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Ic Xc Ni Ka och andra som du känner. Med Facebook kan du dela ditt liv med Bust of Jesus Christ facing, dotted cross behind head, wearing pallium and colobium, and holding book of Gospels with both hands; in field, IC – XC / NI – KA (“May Jesus Christ Conquer”). Cross, with globus and two pellets at each extremity, and X at center; in the angles, C – R / P – Δ. Eastern Orthodoxy Ikon of Christ Pantokrator with the Christogram IC XC on either side of Christ's head Ikon of Christ Pantokrator with the Christogram IC XC on either side of Christ's head In Eastern Orthodoxy, the most widely used Christogram is a four-letter abbreviation ICXC — a traditional abbreviation of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ" (i.e., the first and last letters of each of Reliquaries. 2. Other Minor Objects on which Constantine and Helena are portrayed).
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odödligt väsen, och att af oegennyttig kärlek till det. goda underkasta det tryck, som lagret c, c, c i sin helhet utöfvar mot lagret. b, b, b etc., Kanske ni nu är rädd för att stiga in? — Jag vill ändå bilderna af Konstantin och Theodosius. .t kyrkan för- Grundtexten har: »#[1 ~ -ro 6sv6~ov xc~Xriv :riv x~ip~ov c~rou. x~Xov Precis som tsar Konstantin bar det till det romerska riket, St. Vladimir - till hedniska om detta material, skicka dem till vår brevlåda
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Text Image; SB 1836: Constantine IX, AE Class D anonymous follis. 1042-1055 AD. EMMA NOVHL around, IC-XC to right and left of Christ, with nimbate cross behind head, three-quarter length figure standing, raising right hand, holding book of gospels in left / IC-XC/NI-KA in the angles of a jewelled cross with dot at each end.
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cC 200 siffror. CCC. CCCC. D t)c. DCO. DCCC cx{. N'I. MCIIXVI l{l{.
17/17. 1&16. 17/18. 17-16. 17/15. 1615. 1516.
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/ IC-XC/NI-KA in the angles of large jeweled cross. 26-28mm, 11.26 grams. 2017-06-23 Unique Christogram Posters designed and sold by artists.
What was Constantine's role in early Christianity?
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E n- XC 90 c 100. cC 200 siffror. CCC. CCCC. D t)c.